Belridge Secondary College opened in February 1991 as Belridge Senior High School. The school is located 27 kilometres north of the Perth Central Business District in Western Australia; between the two suburbs of Beldon and Heathridge.
The cultural background is diverse, with over 50 nationalities represented within the students enrolled at the College. In recent years’ student numbers have grown and stabilised around 1000 students.
Belridge SC has two successful, intensively resourced specialist programs (WA Department of Education approved Specialist Programs) the BSC Cricket Academy and the BSC Fashion Design program. Students from across the state can apply to join these prestigious programs. The College also has a school based academic extension program for Gifted and Talented students in Years 7-10 and a Netball Academy.
Students receive support from a dedicated Student Services Team, providing a multi-layer approach to student support. High academic standards enable the school to have a high graduation rate, with those students seeking placements into university and/or TAFE being successful.
Belridge SC’s strong links with the community are reflected in a very progressive and supportive School Board. The Board provides feedback, advice and support on the strategic direction of the College.
Belridge SC is co-located with Belridge Education Secondary Support Centre. There is a respectful and supportive relationship with the Belridge Education Support Centre. “Two schools, one community” is the underlying ethos for the relationship between the staff and students. Integration happens at a meaningful, authentic level with the schools sharing teachers, facilities and students over the course of the school day. This environment models to all members of the community the importance of inclusion and partnership.
Belridge SC is part of the Joondalup Leaning Community (JLC), and is committed to strengthening this partnership as the sole mainstream secondary school. This partnership continues to enhance opportunities for students in K-12 across the Joondalup schools.
The College offers an extensive suite of ATAR and VET programs and has established solid working partnerships with a range of tertiary education providers.
In 2019 the College was reviewed by the Department of Education’s Public Schools Accountability directorate. This Public School Review rated the College’s performance as EFFECTIVE. The College was deemed as demonstrating effective practice in creating the conditions required for student success.